Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
5 Ways to Grow in your Faith as a Busy Sober Christian Mom

5 Ways to Grow in your Faith as a Busy Sober Christian Mom

With all a busy mom has to do, how do you find time for God? As a new believer, where do we start?

Episode #79: Welcome back to the show my sweet friends, the show where I hopefully encourage you to take a look at your relationship with alcohol, stop drinking so much, or even explore going alcohol-free as a busy mom. Just as a reminder- I know how hard the struggle is, I too have walked this out, I too thought that I couldn’t have fun without alcohol, that I needed it to lessen my anxiety, that everyone else was drinking, so why shouldn’t I? But you guys, I discovered that my life without it is actually SO much more fruitful and so much more freeing. Speaking of being on a transformative journey, today I would love to dive into where I’m at on another journey; exploring my faith in sobriety.

For those of you listening that are asking, “Jess… what the heck does sobriety have to do with you exploring your faith?” Friend, it has everything to do with my faith journey. Everything. If I had not retired that wine glass, I would not be the person I am today. I wouldn’t be as brave as I am now, as clear-minded or as empowered. I wouldn’t have the guts to even say the word ‘God’, let alone have a conversation about Him, especially here on this podcast. I wouldn’t have the time or dedication to sit in my feelings, ask hard questions, and have the awareness that maybe, just maybe, it hasn’t been the “universe” all along. Nope, it’s been God. In fact, if you would’ve told me five years ago I would be alcohol-free, be reading the Bible for the first time, and actively learning how to strengthen my relationship with God and develop deep roots of faith?! I would have called you CRAZY and poured another glass of wine.

The point here is I am a different person than I was back then. I’m becoming a version of myself that quite frankly I don’t always recognize, but happens to be the best version I’ve ever met. You’ve heard me say it before and I’ll say it again, it feels good to feel good. And I don’t know about you, but when I feel good, I want others to feel good too.

So for today, I’d love to share 5 practical tips that will help sober women like yourself actively grow in your faith.

Before I share them with you I want to make sure I say how cool it is that you’re listening to this today and are curious about God. Just like with sobriety, this curiosity about faith can be intimidating, overwhelming, and it can feel like you’re doing it wrong. I may not have even close to some of the right answers or words to share with you today, but I believe the one thing to remember is that your faith is yours. It can be whatever you want it to be. Just like with sobriety, it’s not a one-size-fits all. Keep that in mind. Enjoy this episode!

As always, if you’d like to stay in contact with Decidedly Dry head to my Substack here:

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Don't forget: if the only thing you did today was stay sober, you are winning!

Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
Decidedly Dry is the sober podcast where we actually focus on the GOOD. Amazing, right? We spark inspiration, we try to provide some hope and we help motivate you. Hosted by Jess Steitzer, who promises to always keep it real, provide some DRY humor, and remind you every episode why sobriety is truly a super power.
Whether you're sober curious, already living alcohol-free, or perhaps just wanting to take a break from drinking, each episode and/or interview is designed to help YOU tackle this big, beautiful goal. It's time to turn down the drinks and turn up the joy, friend! Let's do this.