Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
How One Nurse's Journey to Sobriety is Making Positive Changes to the Healthcare System

How One Nurse's Journey to Sobriety is Making Positive Changes to the Healthcare System

Well hello friends!! In today's episode I'm chatting with another amazing sober mama,  Adrienne McDougal. Adrienne lives here in Oregon with her husband, two kiddos and a giant 120 pound dog. She's originally from New Mexico and has been a nurse for 14 years. She's very passionate about influencing rapid change in our healthcare system by developing and growing this generation of leaders. She loves spending time with her family, especially when it's in the  outdoors anywhere near the water or the mountains! 
Adrienne is another amazing example of a mom who knew alcohol wasn't serving her, put in the hard work, and is thriving in sobriety. Can't wait to hear what you think of this great episode!

Connect with Adrienne:
Instagram: @amcdougal84
LinkedIn: adrienne-mcdougal
Listen to her show: Between the Bedside and the Boardroom

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Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
Decidedly Dry is the sober podcast where we actually focus on the GOOD. Amazing, right? We spark inspiration, we try to provide some hope and we help motivate you. Hosted by Jess Steitzer, who promises to always keep it real, provide some DRY humor, and remind you every episode why sobriety is truly a super power.
Whether you're sober curious, already living alcohol-free, or perhaps just wanting to take a break from drinking, each episode and/or interview is designed to help YOU tackle this big, beautiful goal. It's time to turn down the drinks and turn up the joy, friend! Let's do this.