Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
How Parents Can Model an Amazing Life for their Kids with Monica Swanson

How Parents Can Model an Amazing Life for their Kids with Monica Swanson

Hi Friends!
How in the world are you?! I’m absolutely, positively, so excited to share this week's episode with you! I won’t tell you the entire story of how I know my guest, because we chat about it in the beginning of the episode. But today I have the absolute pleasure of bringing to you Miss Monica Swanson!!
Monica is a popular blogger, host of the Monica Swanson Podcast (previously: The Boy Mom Podcast), and she's the author of Boy Mom, and recently released, Raising Amazing. She was born and raised in the Pacific NW (whoop whoop), is a mom, wife, and just an unbelievable human.
Why did I ask Monica to come on the Decidedly Dry show? Well first off, I’m a total super fan of her work and I selfishly wanted to spend time with her. Duh! But also, she’s one of those moms who encourages and inspires through her words and writing. She motivates me to be the best mom I can be. Her parenting advice? Valuable and applicable. Her words? Beautiful. Her commitment to wanting to get this parenting thing right? Relatable.
While we may not talk about sobriety throughout this entire episode, we hit on so many good topics. One of my favorites: how crucial it is to set a good example for our children.
Y’all are going to love this episode! Enjoy!

Books by Monica Swanson:
Raising Amazing
Boy Mom

Monica’s Website: 

Monica’s Social Media Links:  

The podcast episode I reference about screens: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World with guest, Arlene Pellicane.

Curious about Jess's Healthy Habit & Sober Coaching? Head to the Decidedly Dry website ASAP for more info and to snag your spot before she's all booked. 

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Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
Decidedly Dry is the sober podcast where we actually focus on the GOOD. Amazing, right? We spark inspiration, we try to provide some hope and we help motivate you. Hosted by Jess Steitzer, who promises to always keep it real, provide some DRY humor, and remind you every episode why sobriety is truly a super power.
Whether you're sober curious, already living alcohol-free, or perhaps just wanting to take a break from drinking, each episode and/or interview is designed to help YOU tackle this big, beautiful goal. It's time to turn down the drinks and turn up the joy, friend! Let's do this.