Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
Is Alcohol Sabotaging Your Fitness Goals?

Is Alcohol Sabotaging Your Fitness Goals?

Find out why drinking alcohol has absolutely ZERO positive effects on your fitness.

Episode #80: Hello my sweet friends and welcome back to the show! Today I have an incredible juicy topic for you: we’re going to chat about how alcohol is sabotaging your fitness goals. My hope is that after listening to this episode, you’ll discover if you ditch the booze, you’ll soon notice better performance and an unbelievably more enjoyable workout.

Alright, let me set the scene for ya - you’ve all seen it before… the free beer at the end of the half marathon, the mimosa bar after hot yoga - it seems like we’ve entered a world that has lost their bloody mind, am I right? When did our culture decide that alcohol and exercise were a good combo? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller?!

I did my homework leading up to this episode and want to share with you what some of the experts out there have to say on the topic of how alcohol impacts our workouts. The bottom line: Going dry will help you stay on track with your health related goals and in tip-top performance shape. Period.

Give a listen to hear the 5 reasons that support this statement.

As always, if you’d like to stay in contact with Decidedly Dry and/or support my writing and show, head to my Substack here:

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Don't forget: if the only thing you did today was stay sober, you are winning!

Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
Decidedly Dry is the sober podcast where we actually focus on the GOOD. Amazing, right? We spark inspiration, we try to provide some hope and we help motivate you. Hosted by Jess Steitzer, who promises to always keep it real, provide some DRY humor, and remind you every episode why sobriety is truly a super power.
Whether you're sober curious, already living alcohol-free, or perhaps just wanting to take a break from drinking, each episode and/or interview is designed to help YOU tackle this big, beautiful goal. It's time to turn down the drinks and turn up the joy, friend! Let's do this.