Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
Is Your Constant Social Media Scrolling Turning into Your New Addictive Habit? 3 Tips on How to Reduce Your Scrolling in Sobriety.

Is Your Constant Social Media Scrolling Turning into Your New Addictive Habit? 3 Tips on How to Reduce Your Scrolling in Sobriety.

Hey Friends! Today I want to chat about something that has been brewing inside me for a while now. Something that has been on my heart and heck, maybe YOURS too!

For the past few months or so, I’ve felt this pull to distance myself from social media. Now, don't get me wrong, social media has been an amazing tool for me throughout my sober journey. I've met countless remarkable women, been inspired, motivated, and owe a ton of my success to the sober Instagram community. However, just like how I felt when I started to get a little sober curious, I've been getting a little more and more curious about just how similar our phone addiction and chronic social media scrolling is to our sobriety journey. 

I don't have all the answers for you, but I do have 3 tips on how I'm actively listening to my gut and exploring why I don't think social media or all the screens are serving me in healthy way anymore. I hope that this episode has some good takeaways for you and I'd love for you to email me your thoughts. While I am drastically cutting back on my presence in the social media world, the one place you CAN find me is on our private Decidedly Dry Community Facebook page. You can find that link below and join today. 

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Decidedly Dry with Jess Steitzer
Decidedly Dry - Sobriety, Alcohol-Free Living, Quit Drinking, Sober Curious
Decidedly Dry is the sober podcast where we actually focus on the GOOD. Amazing, right? We spark inspiration, we try to provide some hope and we help motivate you. Hosted by Jess Steitzer, who promises to always keep it real, provide some DRY humor, and remind you every episode why sobriety is truly a super power.
Whether you're sober curious, already living alcohol-free, or perhaps just wanting to take a break from drinking, each episode and/or interview is designed to help YOU tackle this big, beautiful goal. It's time to turn down the drinks and turn up the joy, friend! Let's do this.