Hiya Friend! So, you quit drinking and you're nervous about what to say when people start asking questions or offer you a drink. First off, know that it is completely 1,000% normal to feel nervous about this. Second, know that simply saying "No." is a complete answer and you don't owe anyone an explanation.
Now, if you're a people pleaser like me, it's kind of hard to build up that confidence in the beginning and simply say the almighty word "no". Sometimes having a rehearsed, go-to answer can be super beneficial and put your nerves at ease. Please remember that you need to do whatever it is to stay sober. If that means rehearsing an answer a bazillion times, DO IT. Just don't give in and drink.
In today's episode, I'm going to give you over 15 different responses that you can use when you start getting "the questions". Hopefully you can grab a pencil and paper to jot a few down on or revisit this episode when you need it.
xo, Jess
Don't forget: if the only thing you did today was stay sober, you are winning!
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